The Howling Fantods

David Foster Wallace News and Resources Since March 97

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OzWallace 2017 Day 1 Recap

I've Storified Day 1 of OzWallace 2017 if you want to have a look at all the tweets from day 1 in chronological order.

Day 2 and day 3 coming soon!


OzWallace 2017 - Day 3

Two different Skype sessions from across the oceans today. Great to hear from the International David Foster Wallace Society Diversity team and the president and vice-president of the society -  there is so much to come from everyone. I can't wait until the journal appears!

I'm tweeting with the #ozwallace hashtag if you're keen to follow along.

See also the final schedule and abstracts.


OzWallace 2017 - Day 2

Huge day today. David Hering's keynote and Lucas Thompson's plenary as well so many thoughtful papers that have teased out, and connected with, themes of neo-liberalism, embodiment and disembodiment, connection, suffering, and salvation in Wallace's work. Everything feels connected. I'm reeling.

I'm tweeting with the #ozwallace hashtag if you're keen to follow along.

See also the final schedule and abstracts.


OzWallace 2017 - Day 1

We're off to a cracking start, I'm already overwhelmed (in a great way).

I'm tweeting with the #ozwallace hashtag if you're keen to follow along.

See also the final schedule and abstracts.

Last Updated on Friday, 01 September 2017 14:22

OzWallace 2017 Tomorrow

I'm packing all my gear for the flight this afternoon...

In the meantime check out the final schedule and abstracts for OzWallace 2017 and watch for tweets and pics via #ozwallace.

Last Updated on Thursday, 31 August 2017 11:53

3 Days To Go - OzWallace 2017

Three days to go until OzWallace 2017 in Melbourne, Australia!

I'll be live tweeting updates and pics using the #ozwallace hashtag... and hopefully some other special things too...


Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 August 2017 16:10

Recent Paperback Releases August 2017

A couple of recent paperback releases of excellent monographs that are absolute must reads if you're interested in current Wallace criticism.


Clare Hayes-Brady - The Unspeakable Failures of David Foster Wallace: Language, Identity, and Resistance

David Hering - David Foster Wallace - Fiction and Form

(Have I missed any?)


The Howling Fantods