FINALISTS! With first name of entrant under each.

Thanks for all of the entries! I promise there won't be delays like this for the next comp...
Want to win a copy of McCain's Promise?
Then enter the DFW Motivational Poster Comp!
1. Use the Big Huge Labs Motivator Builder or LolCat Buildr - currently down (no affiliations, it just makes the job easy, so if you want to use something different go for it) to create a DFW related motivational poster internet meme thing. Funny is good. So is clever. Offensive isn't. You can enter as many times as you wish.
2. Email your image link to comp closed with the subject DFW Poster Comp. (This address does not accept attachments, so a link to your image is important).
3. I'll post updates with posters that I like throughout the comp, and a list of finalists in the days shortly after the comp closes on extended to Sunday 22nd of June, 2008.
4. I'll pick ONE winner from the finalists and send the lucky person a copy of the book! (Big thanks to Marlena for the copy)
5. Rules are subject to change etc etc.
Good luck!