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Introducing Your Conference Bloggers

Earlier this year I put the call out to readers to help report/blog about the David Foster Wallace conference Infinite Wallace / Wallace infini (that I wanted to attend but knew wouldn't be possible). Thankfully Ariane Mak and Tony McMahon (you've heard from Tony already, see the previous couple of pre-conference posts) offered to help out. Posted below are the bios/intors I asked them both to write at the last minute (i.e. yesterday). Welcome to the conference blogging team Ariane and Tony!


Ariane Mak

Ariane Mak is a slightly obsessive reader of David Foster Wallace. She is currently writing a paper on musical patterns in Infinite Jest and the reason why it is precisely 1079 pages long. While doing so she sometimes forgets that she has a PhD thesis in British history to write (EHESS, Paris).

She’s not allowed to talk about David Foster Wallace with her friends any more so she has decided to track down fellow enthusiasts at the Infinite Wallace Paris Conference.

She will tweet about the #infinitewallace2014 Paris conference as @HollyShafrazi.

Tony McMahon

Hi Fantods readers,

I'm Tony McMahon, creative writing PhD student at RMIT, sometime music journalist, DFW freak and now, it seems, blogger.

At first I thought it was some kind of hellish clerical error, but it turned out that - about three months ago - I was invited by the organisers of the Infinite Wallace Conference to deliver a paper entitled 'David Foster Wallace and Music: the Grunge Writer and the Hitherto Criminally Overlooked Importance of Signifying Rappers', part of which makes up the exegetical component of my thesis.

So, in theory, that's exactly what I'm going to be doing. This is all predicated on the (highly contentious) notion that I don't do a runner five minutes before I'm due to take the podium. We'll just see how all that goes, I suppose.

I'll also be blogging on other panels and little happenings at regular intervals throughout the conference exclusively for this site, so stay tuned...


Last Updated on Thursday, 11 September 2014 00:49  

The Howling Fantods