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Oblivion Film - Indiegogo

The crowd funding campaign for the film adaptation of David Foster Wallace's Oblivion (the actual story found in the Oblivion collection) is back!

This time via Indiegogo rather than Kickstarter (Previously).

I gave a lot of support (and pledged towards) the Kickstarter campaign last time and was tremendously disappointed that it didn't make its funding goal.

This time around, any money you pledge will go to the team behind this, that's the nature of Indiegogo and I'm very happy with the decision the producers made to go down this path.


Support this campaign. I will be.


From everything I've seen, read, and every conversation I've had... This appears to be THE DFW film to support.

You can pledge at many different tiers, and there are all kinds of different rewards, including a copy of Greg Carlisle's Nature's Nightmare at the $100 level. (Here's my interview with Greg about Nature's Nightmare).


Support David Foster Wallace's Oblivion over at Indiegogo now!

Last Updated on Thursday, 28 August 2014 00:37  


#1 Tony McMahon 2014-09-04 01:25
Hey Nick,

Do you know anyone at the conference who you might put me in touch with about playing the trailer for this? I know it's supposed to be an academic event and all, but it's such a good trailer and gee I think it would rattle some change from some pockets if we could get it shown. Any ideas?

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The Howling Fantods