Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

Links on the web:
- November 8 Review of BIWHM at the Italian online magazine
- September 26 The Village Voice (Dated June 99)
- August 11 The Eye-Shot Review lit site has an interesting editorial on generosity incorporating BIWHM, Giving to Get: 2037 Words on Generosity, et al
- August 9 review
- June 20 1999 review in NYT. (You may have to register with NYT to read this). June 99
- May 31 1999 Time Magazine review Sex, Lies and Semiotics: David Foster Wallace casts a wry eye on romance. June 99 (fixed link)
- Review and article from a few Chicago Newspapers. June 99
- Review at June 99 Broken Link
- Review of BI at Salon. May 99
- Review in The LA times Literary Supplement. May 99
- New York Observer. May 99
- BI review at May 99
- SF Chronicle Book Review. May 99
- An excerpt of the Brief Interviews With Hideous Men recording, Real Audio. May 99
- Steve Russillo's annotated table of contents (spoilers if you have not read it).