The Howling Fantods

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Infinite Summer

I bought yet another copy of Infinite Jest yesterday. While browsing in the writers' fest bookshop I stumbled across the biggest pile of paperback copies of IJ that I have seen in Australia. Nice. 
I know someone who has read pretty much everything by DFW except IJ, and only for size / portabilty reasons. I said I'd buy a copy and cut it into three sections to allow for the endnotes to be attached (duct tape should do the trick) first to section 1, and then to section 2.
As for the timing of it all check this out. Infinite Summer: read Infinite Jest over the summer (or winter!) 09. I'm just finishing up a read currently. This could be dangerous.
Last Updated on Saturday, 23 May 2009 09:01  


#1 wgardne 2009-05-23 17:59
I'm going to make my first run-through of the book as a summer read. Currently up at odd hours of the night finishing a few pages. I've enjoyed every bit so far.
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#2 flittergold 2009-05-24 12:11
I suspect there are lots and lots of people who have read pretty much everything by DFW except IJ. I was definitely leaving IJ for last, but a friend who knew this about me sent a link to Infinite Summer. I'm afraid I need someone to hold my hand for that one. I'm excited!

Hopefully that characteristic DFW velocity--a product of either/both his astounding mental energy or/and grammatical alchemy--will make it seem less long.

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