Update: Some new links below with analysis of the episode.
So the latest ep of Parks & Recreation (Season 5 episode 17) got 'some attention' on twitter yesterday after Michael Schur tweeted this:
(Also, for you David Foster Wallace fans, tonight's #ParksandRec contains a few IJ references. ["A few" = like 18])
You can see some screen caps of references over at Items of Potential Interest, but they mostly appear to be just that - references. I've not caught the episode yet, but it doesn't sound like there's much of a thematic link present.
New links:
- Emily Temple from Flavorwire, An Annotated Guide to Last Nights ‘Parks and Recreation’ David Foster Wallace References. (5/4/13)
- Splitsider.com's Bradford Evans, Last Night's 'Parks and Rec' Was Full of References to 'Infinite Jest'. (5/4/13)
Don't forget that back in 2011 (Was it really that long ago?) Schur directed a Decemberists music video that tried to capture the Eschaton scene from Infinite Jest.