Thanks to the amazing work of Ryan, Matt, George, and numerous other people behind the scenes there has been a flurry of work on the DFW Bibliography. Ryan's
BibTex DFW Bibliography has just made revision 5 and it is a beauty. It surpassed the old bibliography here at the Fantods a long time ago, and now sits at the top of the
bibliography page. The best thing is that there is much more to come!
Just as exciting is the side project maintained by Matt and hosted here,
The Uncollected DFW. This is an extensive list of uncollected DFW works, some of which have been scanned and are available as pdf files from outside this site! Enjoy!
On a side note, if you are interested in submitting DFW related resources to the site, have an idea, or just have the time to track down broken links using etc drop me a line,