The Howling Fantods

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Home News by Category General Updates 20 Years Already! Congrats wallace-l

20 Years Already! Congrats wallace-l

The wallace-l listserv has now been around for 20 years. This seems unbelievable to me.

Wallace-l list owner, Matt Bucher, has written about it over at his blog, www.mattbucher.comTwenty Years of wallace-l:


Today marks twenty years since the first email was sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Since that day, another 77,000 emails have found their way through the servers and in to the inboxes of thousands of subscribers. Twenty years of email! The very phrase inspires dread in some. Yet, these emails have brought me so many delightful surprises, so many new ideas to consider, and a real sense of community.


Continue reading Twenty Years of wallace-l.

Matt, Thanks so much for everything.



The Howling Fantods