Somewhat disappointingly for me (as I read the submissions last year), but fantastic for David Foster Wallace readers, the Five Dials David Foster Wallace special Issue #10 (.pdf) is out. It is a reproduction of the tiny, wonderfully designed (by the amazing Marie Mundaca) Little Brown NY Memorial publication, Celebrating the Life and Work of David Foster Wallace.
(Update: Reading over this today, the words above are a pretty poor response from me after all the work the Five Dials team did to get this out. I guess I was hoping for something 'new' when really, to many people this is something new and I was just lucky to be able to read this stuff last year. I was greatly moved by these remembrances when I first read them, so I encourage you to sign up to Five Dials to grab them. Even though a quick web search will find you the .pdf in no time, they have asked for people not to, so I won't. Subscribe!)
The Five Dials edition has some additional artwork by Michael Schmelling and it is totally worth your free email subscription to Five Dials to read the submissions (although, for completists, it is missing Deborah Treisman's reading from DFW's Derivate Sport in Tornado Alley).
In the words of the Five Dials team:
Inside you’ll find an issue dedicated to one of our favourite writers, David Foster Wallace, featuring remembrances from Jonathan Franzen, Don DeLillo, George Saunders, Zadie Smith and others. We hope it moves you to tears, which is exactly what happened when we read the contributions. One of our favourite Five Dials artists, a longtime DFW fan named Michael Schmelling, retreated to his New York studio and came up with a handful of beautiful visuals that celebrate both the playful and cerebral sides of Wallace’s writing. Savour them. We did.
At the bottom of the email you’ll find a link to the issue. Plug it into your browser and download. This treat is meant only for subscribers. Now, you don’t need to be Matthew Broderick in War Games to figure out a way to forward the link to non-subscribers. You don’t need to be Kevin Mitnick (look him up) to attach the PDF to an email and send it out to everyone in your address book, but, you know, we like our subscription list to keep growing, so please tell interested DFW fans to sign up. We’ll happily point them in the right direction.
(Link removed, please subscribe!)
(Link removed, please subscribe!)
Craig Taylor
Five Dials
Five Dials
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