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Critique Piece on DFW

The Winter issue of Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction (Table of Contents) contains essays about fiction writers who have died over the past decade.
It includes an essay David Foster Wallace: “That Distinctive Singular Stamp of Himself” by his Illinois State University colleague of 10 years, Charles B. Harris. It is an insightful piece about DFW, includes a number of moving personal anecdotes and considers his wide reaching achievements. 
It's not yet available freely online (I'm not sure if it will be) but if you have access to academic journals through your work you should be able to track it down.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 February 2010 19:14  


#1 Noelia 2010-02-25 17:35
Hey, this is harsh! I have no access to academic journals through my work and I'd really like to read this.
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#2 The Howling Fantods 2010-02-25 18:57
This is one of those updates where I know some of you can't access the content. Sorry. :/ Better that we all know it is out there though. Maybe a local library or university has a subscription so you can check it out? Nick
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#3 phaseolus 2010-02-26 08:24
I found it online, armed only with a lowly public library card. You can, too, if yours gives you free access to research databases.

Find your library's website, look for a link to free access to their subscription databases. Log in for database access - I had to select my town from a list and enter my library card number. Select EBSCOHost research databases. I found this journal in the Academic Search Premier collection, searching for 'critique' in the journal name and 'wallace' in the title. You can even save the .pdf to your own computer for later viewing...
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The Howling Fantods