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Home News by Category Conferences OzWallace 2017 Call for Papers

OzWallace 2017 Call for Papers

Back after a bit of a much needed break with some excellent news:

The OzWallace 2017 Call for Papers

OzWallace 2017

September 1, 2 & 3

Melbourne, Australia

Call for Papers

On behalf of OzWallace 2017, the Conference Committee is sponsoring a call for academic, creative and alternative academic papers relating to all areas concerning the work of David Foster Wallace.

The Committee welcomes papers on any Wallace-related topic. Suggested topics may include:

• Wallace and gender

• Wallace and race

• Wallace and world literature

• Wallace and current events

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work at OzWallace 2017. Successful applicants should aim for a twenty-minute talk. Authors will usually be matched with one or two other participants in a panel, and should allow for a twenty-minute question and answer session after each panel.

Proposals for entire panels are also encouraged.

Call Paper Timetable:

Timely submission of the papers is critical to the success of the OzWallace 2017. The procedures and timetable enumerated below will apply.

1. Deadline for Proposals

By May 1 2017, authors should submit a 200-word abstract for their papers including the title, a short description of the topic(s) to be addressed, and the approach that will be taken. Proposals, along with authors’ contact information and a 100-word biography, should be submitted via e-mail to the Conference chair, Tony McMahon, at tony.mcmahon AT Please put "OzWallace 2017" in the subject line.

2. Acceptance of Proposals

By June 15 2017, the Conference Committee will make a decision on all proposals. The number of accepted proposals might be limited. The Committee will contact authors regarding their proposals.

The Conference Committee looks forward to receiving proposals in response to the call, and is happy to respond to inquiries from interested parties.


Questions may be addressed to Tony McMahon via e-mail at tony.mcmahon AT Your participation in this effort to produce new work on David Foster Wallace will contribute to the written body of knowledge on this author and to the success of OzWallace 2017.


More here:

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 December 2016 13:49  

The Howling Fantods