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Home News by Category Both Flesh and Not A Seven Point Riff on DFW's Markson Essay

A Seven Point Riff on DFW's Markson Essay

An extended look at one of the pieces found in Both Flesh and Not: Essays that Edwin Turner hadn't read can be found over at biblioklept, A Seven Point Riff on David Foster Wallace’s David Markson Essay:

[...] I suspect that the Markson essay hasn’t been collected up until now because it is so focused on Wittgenstein’s Mistress—this in contrast to, say “How Tracy Austin Broke My Heart” (Consider the Lobster) which is nominally about Austin’s autobiography but really about much bigger frying fish, like fan-idol relationships and ghostwriting and genre, or “Greatly Exaggerated,” which, again is nominally a review of Dix’s Morte d’Author: An Autopsy but is really more about postmodernism in general. I can’t recall exactly—maybe in his Charlie Rose interview—but Wallace said that he wanted the pieces in his books to be about more than just the ephemeral surface-level topic at hand; like most writers, he was contending for posterity. Wallace’s Markson essay is about Wittgenstein’s philosophy and the state of postmodern or experimental writing in the late 1980s and certain feminist analytic approaches to literature—but mostly it’s a detailed review of Markson’s novel—and it’s not trying to be anything more—which is actually really nice.

Continue reading.

[Wittgenstein’s Mistress is still sitting on my shelf unfinished, yet started a number of times. I'll get to it one day.]


Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 21:33  

The Howling Fantods