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Home News by Category Upcoming Publications A Companion to David Foster Wallace Studies - Mar 2013

A Companion to David Foster Wallace Studies - Mar 2013

Due in March 2013 is another book of essays about the work of David Foster Wallace, A Companion to David Foster Wallace Studies. Exciting because it is edited by Marshall Boswell (Understanding David Foster Wallace) and Stephen J. Burn (Conversations with David Foster Wallace and Infinite Jest: A Reader's Guide).

This one's been on the horizon for a while and it's great to read some concrete info about it. Unfortunately, the Amazon pre-order list price has it targeted purely at the academic market thus far. I hope a paperback becomes available too.

Plenty of info over at Palgrave Macmillan:

Criticism of the work of David Foster Wallace has tended to be atomistic, focusing on a single aspect of individual works. A Companion to the Work of David Foster Wallace is designed as a professional study of all of Wallace's creative work. With essays written by both top scholars in the field and exciting newcomers, the volume is anchored by a set of essays that provide detailed readings of each of his major works of fiction, including three novels and three story collections. Interwoven through these half-dozen single-text studies are thematic-based essays that address larger segments of Wallace's achievement via an eclectic range of critical environments, including mathematics, the spatial turn in contemporary criticism, gender theory, the legacy of American Pragmatism, and the emergent field of post-postmodern literary studies.

1. Almost a Novel: The Broom of the System; Patrick O'Donnell
2. A Fiction of Response: Girl with Curious Hair in Context; Kasia Boddy
3. David Foster Wallace and the Mathematics of Infinity; Roberto Natalini
4. "Webs of Nerves Pulsing and Firing': Infinite Jest and the Science of Mind; Stephen J. Burn
5. Location's Location: Placing David Foster Wallace; Paul Quinn
6. Mediated Immediacy in Brief Interviews with Hideous Men; Mary K. Holland
7. '…': Language, Gender, and Modes of Power in the Work of David Foster Wallace; Claire Hayes-Brady
8. 'The Constant Monologue Inside Your Head': Oblivion and the Nightmare of Consciousness; Marshal Boswell
9. 'The Chains of Not Choosing': Free Will and Faith in William James and David Foster Wallace; David H. Evans
10. The Pale King, or, The White Visitation; Brian McHale
11. The Novel After David Foster Wallace; Andrew Hoberek



The Howling Fantods