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Home News by Category The Pale King The Editing 'Conspiracy'

The Editing 'Conspiracy'

Okay, so conspiracy is my word.
But seriously, Bookmunch? Seriously?
I suggest that you pick up The Pale King and read and experience for yourself just why TPK is awesome and worthy of publication. Something David Foster Wallace most certainly wanted us to read.
Occam's razor comes to mind...
Based on some of the (long term) correspondence I've had with people involved in the publication of The Pale King, the time was spent making sure this was done so as to be respectful to, and worthy of, everyone involved. 
This is what Karen Green, his widow, had to say in today's The Observer article, (a moving, respectful, and difficult piece about her art and the passing of David Foster Wallace).
She is not sure about many things concerning the death of her husband but she is certain about one thing, the first thing I ask her: that Wallace wanted The Pale King to be published, even in its unfinished state. "The notes that he took for the book and chapters that were complete, were left in a neat pile on his desk in the garage where he worked. And his lamps were on it, illuminating it. So I have no doubt in my mind this is what he wanted. It was in as organised a state as David ever left anything."


#1 Lastzemblan 2011-04-10 17:28
I've been wondering why there hasn't been much comment viz. those 200-250 pages left in a stack on his desk. Isn't there any possibility that's all he thought should have been selected for publication? I seems odd to me, in some ways, that the editor hasn't commented more specifically on why the choice was made not to publish just those with appendices rather than combing all of his drafts/notebook for more material. Hopefully it will be possible one day to read precisely what he may have left with the lamp-lights on. [I do not intend this, in any way, to criticise or judge the work of those involved in the process of editing the work, nor suggest there was any kind of "conspiracy".]
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