The Howling Fantods

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Home News by Category The End of the Tour The Thoughtful Labor of the Wordsmith

The Thoughtful Labor of the Wordsmith

Caleb Brooks' piece for Not Mad earlier this week is worth a read, David Foster Wallace, "The End of the Tour", and the Thoughtful Labor of the Wordsmith:

So when I left the theatre that night I did the only thing I knew to do: walk back across the college by the light of a moon that was almost super to the dorm room that was my temporary home and dig out my travel-worn Kindle. I hopped back and forth from Although Of Course You Ended Up Becoming Yourself and Infinite Jest for the next few hours, from the peeling-tape hum of the frozen Illinois interstate captured by voice recorder to the antics of Lenz terrorizing the cat populations around Ennet House. What a pleasure it is to be invited into the deepest wrinkles of someone else’s mind, what a gift it is be reminded that we are really not alone.

Continue reading, David Foster Wallace, "The End of the Tour", and the Thoughtful Labor of the Wordsmith.


The Howling Fantods