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Home News by Category New Fiction New Fiction from something longer: "untitled excerpt..."

New Fiction from something longer: "untitled excerpt..."

Is it part of a new, dare I say it, novel? As mentioned in the most recent news item, (edit: Thanks for the clarification comment, Mark, it has been read out by DFW before, at a New Yorker event ) the piece David Foster Wallace read at Le Conversazioni 2006, "untitled excerpt from something longer that isn't even close to halfway finished yet" is now available over at the DFW Le Conversazioni 2006 page. Enjoy! 
Last Updated on Saturday, 02 June 2007 07:32  


#1 Mark 2007-06-02 01:59
I must report that this is not quite "new"; I heard Mr. Wallace read this same piece several years ago at a New Yorker Festival event. However, it may nevertheless be part of his next novel, apparently several years in the making.
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#2 dglen 2007-06-14 00:51
looks like it's been pulled already?
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The Howling Fantods