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Home News by Category Infinite Jest Graça Infinita - Infinite Grace

Graça Infinita - Infinite Grace

Caetano Waldrigues Galindo has just finished translating Infinite Jest into Brazilian Portuguese, and Glenn H. Shepard (Notes from the Ethnoground and @TweetTropiques) has interviewed him forThe Millions - Infinite Grace: The Millions Interviews Caetano W. Galindo:


GS: How long did the translation take? What was your daily routine? Did you keep your deadline? Did you ever reach a point where you thought you might give up?

CWG: It took me one year, which is actually pretty fast, considering [Ulrich Blumenbach spent six years on the German translation]. I was only able to do it so quickly because of my previous familiarity with the book and with Wallace’s writing in general. I did not have a daily routine: I’m a college professor, and that takes pretty much all my time. Whenever I could manage to get a few free hours I would go at it for some high intensity translation. During that year my mother also died, after a very long struggle with cancer. Looking back — what with those final weeks in the hospital with her, and the time it took me to get back to real life afterwards — I almost don’t know when it was that I translated all those hundreds of pages. But then again, one way or another, this is true of every book I have translated. I begin not knowing how I will be able to do it, and end up not knowing how I was able to do it. But I did keep my deadline, with one week to spare. I never thought about giving up. Even in those days after my mother’s death, the perspective of having this huge work to go back to was a real incentive. Kind of a reality booster, you know? And something else, as well: a kind of solace, I guess. The book helped me keep going…


Continue reading Infinite Grace: The Millions Interviews Caetano W. Galindo

Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 November 2014 21:43  

The Howling Fantods