Fora on ABC2 Television in Australia will be screening the May 2009 Remembering David Foster Wallace session I was part at the Sydney Writers' Festival earlier this year. You can catch it on Sunday night at 6pm on ABC2. I'm glad I was part of it all.
The wonderful Fora people (Hi Edwina!) place everything on the web... which means the sesison is now online. You can watch (and download it) here.
Big hello to fellow panel members Kate Crawford, Julian Murphet, and Caroline Hamilton (has it been this long already?). Also hello to everyone I met when we celebrated afterwards, thanks for a great evening.
I've found I can't rewatch myself, so, dear readers, I hope you enjoy it.
Some comments:
My peers on this panel are awesome. Julian, I'm so glad this was recorded, because I missed a lot of what you said while I was trying to help solve the technical difficulties.
Buy Elegant Complexity, it is worth every cent and Greg put years of his life into it. I'm worried I didn't give him enough credit for his work in my talk seeing as I slipped the reference in while talking about ensuring we don't lose web-based resources.
Big shout out to all the people I mentioned, and the websites I discussed (particularly George, Matt and Greg). Thanks for the inspiration.
I posted here earlier in the year about the GWCH question at the end. It is clear in the bright lights I missed the point. As I wrote previously:
I've been thinking about a lot about my response to question from the audience about what I think happens at the end of the story Girl with Curious Hair. I found myself not wanting to give a specific answer, but it's probably more correct to say I was uncomfortable answering. I think I said I didn't really want to think about the implications of where the story was headed in that final scene.
I wish I'd also said what I thought about while the next question was being asked, which was, I get the feeling that what Sick Puppy does is not really the point. Maybe not knowing exactly what he does in minute detail (à la Bret Easton Ellis. Whose work we know DFW was not particularly fond of, and I get the feeling the tone of this story is in part response to) is the point. Could that be the point? I'm still not sure. Thanks for the question if you are reading. Clearly I've not yet been able to let it go. Which means I'll likely pick up the story again soon.
I do wish I'd mentioned the Bret Easton Ellis stuff, rather than my rambling, response that included stuff I'd only heard third hand (I think that stuff I mentioned about the other conference is far from accurate).