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DFW Tribute at U of A

Charles Bock, the author of Beautiful Children, got in touch with a little report about the U of A tribute (thanks, Charles!). Over to Charles:
Hey there.  Charles Bock here.  I'm dropping a line to everyone at the Fantods with a bit of an update.  It's being written while at an airport so forgive me if it's not the best thing I've ever done.

Firstly, for those who are interested: my understanding is that pretty much the entire weekend at the U of A — the panel Reading DFW, the panel DFW and his Influences, and then the evening event where different writers read from the work of DFW — all of it has been filmed.  From what I've been told, all of it (minus the parts where I legally slandered one or two literary critics)  will soon be uploaded onto the webernet. My guess is that 'soon' means weeks as opposed to days, but still, that's not so much to wait, when you think about it.

Nextly:  the panels and readings.  Absolutely superb.  Smart and insightful and caring and funny.  Plus there were a few excellent surprises along the way — including a first person account from one of DFW's old MFA classmates about the source material for the famous short story 'Girl With The Curious Hair.'   (I consider myself fairly well informed on the DFW front and I'd never heard this story, and I don't think anyone else on the panel had either, so that was pretty cool.)

And yes, the special issue of the Sonora Review also is first rate.  Because it's a double issue, each side of the SR has its own cover.  The DFW tribute pages are delineated by black marks on the bottom.   It's really well done.  I'm glad I ran away with as many as I did.

I'd also like to say, on behalf of Marshall Boswell, Ken Kalfus, Greg Carlisle, Glenn Kenny, Bonnie Nadell, and yours truly, that it was a serious honor to be a part of the event, and that Aurelie and Michael and everyone at the U of A did one fantastic job.  Our public thanks to them for everything.

Okay.  Just wanted to check in.

I remain howling, and a fantod, and of course, also...

Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 May 2009 21:22  

The Howling Fantods